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Root Canal Treatment

Diş Hekimi | Dr. Ebru Demircan > Treatments > Root Canal Treatment

What is Root Canal Treatment? How is Root Canal Treatment Performed?

Thanks to the root canal treatment, the treatment of the structures that are infected or decayed in your teeth is provided. During this treatment, the soft tissue called the pulp and the tooth nerve in your tooth structure is removed and the necessary area is cleaned. After cleaning, the gap is filled. It is very important to make a diagnosis in time for this treatment. Teeth that are not treated in a timely manner lead to greater caries over time, which can even cause inflammation of the nerves that exist in your teeth. This treatment, which is performed by removing the dental nerve from your tooth, prevents a great pain you will feel.

In Which Cases Is Root Canal Treatment Performed?

If there are cracks and caries in the part of the tooth leading to the canals, if the tooth cannot be saved with filling, root canal treatment should be applied. In addition, there are many different symptoms that are a harbinger of root canal treatment. Among the conditions requiring root canal treatment; the hot-cold sensitivity in your teeth, the pain you feel during chewing, the swelling in the face and neck area, the wounds in your gums, the swelling of your gums, deep caries and darkened gums may come.

How is Root Canal Treatment Performed?

Root canal treatment brings several steps. For this treatment, we first need to take an X-ray to reach the root structure of your tooth. In this way it is possible to see how far the infection has spread. If the pulp in your tooth is damaged too much, we resort to root canal treatment. At the beginning of treatment, we apply local anesthesia so that you do not feel pain. First, the pulp structure in your tooth is removed. After the necessary changes and cleaning are made in the area, the filling process of your tooth is performed. These processes take approximately 45 minutes. After the disinfection process is carried out, the filling process is completed with permanent materials. In cases where we think your teeth need to heal, you can wait a few days for the filling process. In this case, the healing process is provided by using temporary filling.

How Long Does Root Canal Treatment Last?

Root canal treatment is a condition that may vary from person to person. Depending on the tooth structure and the size of the infection, the application time also varies. In general, 45 minutes is considered to be a sufficient time for each tooth.

Does Root Canal Treatment Hurt?

Before the root canal treatment, a local anesthesia and numbing process is provided for your tooth. Therefore, you will not feel any pain during the treatment. After the procedure, it is normal to start to see mild pain in your treated tooth as the effect of anesthesia passes. This condition will return to normal within a few days at most. In case of pain that bothers you, you can use a painkiller, which will be recommended by us.

How Much is Root Canal Treatment?

Root canal treatment is a frequently applied treatment method. It is applied in different ways depending on the infection situation in your teeth. In this direction, the price range to be considered suitable for root canal treatment also varies. It is also possible to say that prices vary depending on the number of roots found in your tooth.

How to Understand Failed Root Canal Treatment?

In some cases, root canal treatments may result in an unsuccessful result. This indicates its presence in certain ways. After treatment; If there is any pain around your mouth and teeth, if you are sensitive to hot and cold drinks, if there are conditions such as swelling and inflammation in your gums, it can be said that the root canal treatment has resulted in an unsuccessful result. At the same time, if your teeth have changed color, if a problem such as slippage in your jaw structure has been encountered and if an increase in sinus problems is observed, the same is the case. You need to be careful in such cases.

Symptoms of Unsuccessful Root Canal Treatment

Unsuccessful root canal treatment may cause infection and manifest its presence with pain. If the infection increases, it becomes possible to form swelling in that area. For some cases, you may observe discharge in the same area. This is a harbinger of the formation of an abscess. Depending on the sinus, symptoms such as nasal congestion, runny nose, jaw pain and bad breath may occur. In cases where you are faced with any of these situations, the root canal treatment needs to be renewed.

How to Understand the Tooth Requiring Root Canal Treatment?

If you have cold and hot sensitivity in your teeth and you have pain while eating, this may mean that your tooth needs a root canal treatment. Likewise, if an abscess forms on your teeth and reflects on your face as swelling and differences in your tooth color are seen, it is possible to say that your tooth needs root canal treatment.

Does root canal treatment shorten the life of the tooth?

As a result of the root canal treatment applied well and correctly, the life of your tooth is not shortened. However, in the treatment, since the pulp structure in your tooth is removed, your tooth may become sensitive to fracture after the treatment.

What happens if there is no root canal treatment?

During the period when root canal treatment is not applied, the infection in your tooth can reach the tissues in the root structure. In this way, an abscess is formed on your tooth. It is also possible to see pain and swelling. As a result of all these situations, it can become a condition that leads to your tooth loss.

How much is the Root Canal Treatment Prices?

Root canal treatment is applied depending on the structure of the infected tooth and considering the number of roots in your tooth. According to the process to be carried out in this direction, the price also varies.