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Dr. Tayfun Cıvalak

Oral, Dental and Maxillofacial Surgery Specialist

Bachelor’s Degree - Marmara University Faculty of Dentistry Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery -2016

Doktorate - Hacettepe University Faculty of Dentistry - 2020

Work Experience:

(2017- 2020 )- Istanbul Yeni Yüzyıl University- Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Asst.Prof.Dr.

Scientific Publications

  1. Orthognathictreatment in Greigcephalopolysyndactylysyndrome: A casereport.
    Journal of Oral andMaxillofacialSurgery, Medicine, andPathology, Sept. 2019, 31:5 327-
  2. Postoperativeevaluation of Er: YAG laser, piezosurgery, androtary
    systemsusedforosteotomy in mandibularthird-molarextractions. Journal of Cranio-MaxillofacialSurgery, 2021, 49.1: 64-69.
  3. Choice of ImplantSurface-Feature May AffecttheViability of the AdherentCells Experimed 11.1: 38-44
  4. Cemento-ossifyingFibroma of themandible: A casereportwith 2 - yearfollow-up.
    Yeditepe J Dent. 2019; 15 (3)
  5. TheEffectsandFunctionalOutcomes of IntranasalProcedures in Excessive MaxillaryImpactionCases. International Journal of Oral andMaxillofacialSurgery, March 2017, 46: 165

Memberships to Scientific Organizations

Turkish Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Association